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The end of August, and end of Summer in general, has been a slower time for films. This week I caught a few streaming options and I have my thoughts below! If you’d like to see more of my scores for films and thoughts, feel free to follow me on Letterboxd here . Me Time (Netflix) Starring : Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg Synopsis : Hart stars as Sonny, a father who supports his wife (Regina Hall) by staying home with the kids. His kids and family are his life, and he is very involved every day at school and at home creating a great environment. But he never takes time for himself. When Spring Break hits, Sonny’s wife suggests she take the kids to visit her parents while he gets a little me time. Unable to figure out what to do, Sonny heads out to connect with his old friend Huck (Wahlberg) as he celebrates his 44th birthday. Sonny gets more than he bargains for as he’s drawn into Huck’s wild life and convinced to seek revenge against a client of his wife’s (Luis Gerardo Méndez)...