Attached to things

This morning when I went to go with my sister to get coffee I noticed a huge dent in her front fender. I was shocked and asked her what happened. She related the story and was pretty calm about it. I asked if she was upset. She said she was for about 30 minutes, then she was over it.

I wish I had that kind of attitude. I am usually able to roll with the punches, but it isn't easy. And it takes more than 30 minutes, usually.

On Monday night, my VCR gave out. I know, many of you out there are scratching your heads trying to remember what a VCR is and what it does. Call me old school in this regard. Technology fails eventually, but somehow I went into denial Monday night. I tried to fix it. I tried to encourage it to function. I spent some time debating whether or not anything could be done. I've had that VCR since I was in high school and I thought we had an understanding, so I couldn't imagine how it could up and die all of a sudden.

But that's how it is with things of this world, they have a finite lifespan. That includes us. When we become overly attached to the things of this world, we doom ourselves to disappointment.

Fortunately, we serve an everlasting God. Isaiah says "The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom." When we put our hope in him, we can't lose.


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