Holy Week

For Christians, the two most important days of the year are Christmas Day and Easter Sunday. Though the world has co-opted both days as secular holidays as well (in case you're wondering neither Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny make an appearance in the Scriptures), those two days hold special significance as the book ends of Jesus life and ministry on Earth. Or at least they should.

Sunday marked the beginning of Holy Week. Now, as a long-time Christian, I have known about Holy Week for some time. But I have to confess, it hasn't always held the significance that it should. I think that's probably true for a lot of Christians.

When it comes to Christmas, I've always been moved by the "reason for the season." I am inspired by the birth of our Savior and I have some personal traditions that always remind me of the importance of Jesus' birth, and the fulfillment of prophecy.

I have long understood the significance of Easter as well, but I don't think it really registered with me the same way. This year, as Highlands has augmented its remembrance of Holy Week, it's given me a chance to reflect on the importance of this last week in Jesus' life — not just Easter, but the week as a whole.

Tonight, we'll have a chance to participate in Highlands' first Maundy Wednesday service. Traditionally, the Maundy services are held on Thursdays as they commemorate Jesus' last supper with his disciples. However, this being Highlands, we never approach things the traditional way.

In reality, it doesn't matter whether the service is on Wednesday or Thursday, what matters is the significance it holds. On a Thursday night about 2000 years ago, Jesus gathered with his disciples to break bread for the last time. The God of the Universe, knowing what lay ahead of him, broke bread with his closest followers, knowing all the while that one of them was about to betray him. That's an incredible and humbling thought.

So whether it be tonight, tomorrow, or at some other point this week, I hope everyone will take time to reflect on Jesus' last week.


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