
Today I had one of those crazy days, busy from the word go with lots on my mind. It isn't the first time that's happened. I'm a multi-tasker, which makes crazy days even more crazy because I am usually juggling three or four things in my head. It was one of those days where I suddenly looked up and realized four hours had passed.

Then I took a trip out into the country for a meeting. After a while of talking and walking around, thinking about yet future items and planning in my head, I took a moment to look at the beautiful, peaceful scenery around me. In that still, quiet moment, I found peace. And more important, I found calm.

Too often we get wrapped up in our busy schedules, trying to meet the demands placed on us by our families, our jobs, our friends and even our churches. While it's important to be active and involved in life, sometimes you have to take those quiet moments to recharge and reflect. Jesus understood this. Several times in Scripture it notes that Jesus broke away from the crowd and found a quiet spot for prayer and reflection. It's comforting to know that even the God of the Universe needed those quiet moments to recharge and reflect.

I know I don't take those moments enough, but when they come, they're a blessing. I hope each of you finds a quiet, peaceful moment this week to reflect.


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