Umm, No

Yesterday I was browsing the DVD section in Target when I came upon the Easter movie section. There were some traditional favorites (The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown; Passion of the Christ; The 10 Commandments, etc.) and some new ones. Generally, I love looking at the seasonal section because you never know what kind of gem you're going to find.

Of course, they're not all gems.

There, sitting in front of me, was "The Animated Passion, a version for the whole family." I thought it was a joke. It's not.

I still remember when I went to see "The Passion of the Christ" six years ago. It was emotional, violent, and jarring. I bought the film when it came out on DVD but I haven't seen it since that first viewing. This year I plan to try, but I haven't yet.

The reason it was so hard to watch was not because of the violent depictions, it was because I couldn't help but think about the pain, humiliation, shame, and suffering Jesus Christ endured on our behalf. It was a powerful, convicting experience that was tough to sit through.

Now I haven't seen the animated "Passion." It might be a great evangelism tool and, if it is, I apologize. But when I looked at that cover "A version for the whole family," I was disappointed. Do we need an animated version of the Crucifixion that's been watered down for the whole family to enjoy? I don't think so.

There was nothing easy or enjoyable about what Jesus endured on the cross, why should the depictions of it be any different?


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