A new scent for Paso?

I am not a very discriminating TV viewer. And by that, I mean I will pretty much try anything (except cartoons and reality shows) once. I think the networks secretly know this. So when I saw the commercials for ABC's strange new show "Happy Town," I knew I'd probably give it a try.

It's not great, and may even be terrible. (I think I need a couple more episodes to be sure). But the pilot (which aired Wednesday night) did provide some humor for me. The dialogue and characters left something to be desired, but early in the show I started to laugh when a character said "What's that smell" while on a tour and the lady giving her the tour said, "That's Haplin, dear." Haplin is the name of the town where the show takes place.

Soon it was elaborated that the town smells like a bakery because of the big bread factory that sits above it. Instantly I thought it would be a good idea to move there. After all, anyone that's been downtown recently to experience the aroma generated by the parking lot hole would be pleased to trade that in for the smell of baked bread.

Then I watched the rest of the show. Some crazy things happened, culminating in the town sheriff losing his mind to the point he cuts off his own hand. OK, definitely not moving there....

But it was at that point a better thought occurred to me, rather than moving to crazy town because it smells like baked goods, why not find a way to get a bread factory in Paso Robles?

So anyone out there interested in starting a bread factory in town, I'm all on board!


  1. Not at all. For some time, I've wanted to capitalize on Paso's delightful aroma (rotten eggs). I'm sure that a series of scratch and sniff postcards would really catch on!! Plus they could be really funny. Hey, here's a whiff of Paso for you. Wish you were here :-)


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