Glee Live

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to see the best live show I've ever seen — "Glee Live." The show featured all the principle cast members from the TV series "Glee" performing some of the best choreographed numbers featured on the show. It was a sold out show, as have been all the dates on the tour.

It was probably the best live show I've ever seen. It's not because of the music — though the singing and the music was great — it's because it was a complete show. It gave each of the performers a chance to shine in the way they shine best, it paired great music with fantastic visuals and offered a mix of comedy and craft that made it a true experience — something you'd hope for in a live show.

But what I liked best was watching the performers. There was great energy among them and you could tell they really applauded each other's efforts, enjoyed being out there and enjoyed feeding off the crowd. There was a joy in the performance, the kind of joy that can only come from sharing your gift the way you're meant to. And the crowd felt that energy too.

I couldn't help but smile thinking about that. This group of people, all of whom likely have wanted to perform for as long as they can remember, finally got their chance and came together in an unforgettable way. If a story is about a character who wants something and has to overcome conflict to get it, then this was a story of celebration for most of these "characters."

Take, for example, Amber Riley. Amber tried out for "American Idol" but didn't make the cut. She could have let that kill her dream. Instead, on Saturday, I saw her loudly and proudly belting out numbers like a pro, carrying portions of the concert. And when the audience showered her with applause — as I'm sure they have all throughout the tour — you could see the joy on her face. It wasn't the joy that comes from self-satisfaction, it's the kind of joy that comes from overcoming conflict to achieve your dreams.

That's the kind of joy I think God wants for us in our lives. We just have to figure out how to get it. True joy comes from living out your purpose. Sometimes we know that purpose right away, other times it takes a lifetime to figure it out. The important thing isn't that we figure it out right away, it's that we're open to finding our purpose and honestly seek it out.


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