Real leaders show up

"We hold these truths to be self-evident," they said, "that all men are created equal." Strange as it may seem, that was the first time in history that anyone had ever bothered to write that down. Decisions are made by those who show up." President Josiah Bartlett (Martin Sheen), "The West Wing."

I have had a lot of ideas about leadership and faith running through my head the past few weeks since attending the Catalyst conference. I've also had a lot of ideas running through my head about being proactive in our "stories" as a result of reading a book by Donald Miller. Some combination of the two has had that quote resonating in my mind recently.

Yesterday I talked about one of the ideas that has resonated most strongly with me from Graham's message. I had the honor of hearing it — or at least a variation of it — two different times. The first time was during our Presbytery meeting and then again on Sunday, and the same thought kept occurring to me — history is made; decisions are made; our lives our made when we choose to be present.

I think that's what the quote was driving at. The ideas in our constitution weren't new, but our forefathers had the courage to stand up, put them in writing and fight for what they believe. We have all benefitted from the freedom that act of courage wrought. "Decisions are made by those that show up."

As Christians, we are called to be leaders. We are called to be examples in a broken world. That is a big and scary job at times. Often I have felt ill-equipped and ill-suited to be a representative of Jesus. But we can't let fear or trepidation prevent us from serving as living examples of the message of Jesus Christ to those around us. And when we take that step out in faith, God is there to back us up.

"I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength." — Philippians 4:13


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