Summer Movie Scene Pt. 2

Today I continue my look at the biggest upcoming summer releases with movies in July and August.

1. The Last Airbender, July 2
Quick Take: Sure, the past couple M. Night Shymalan films haven't been big successes, but is that any reason to give up on one of the most creative filmmakers of his generation? I don't think so. This looks like it might be a divergence from his typical pattern and looks like it might be one of the more intriguing films of the summer. Or it could be a flop. That's just the kind of year we're in.

2. Inception, July 16
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, and Ellen Page
Quick Take: This film, from director Christopher Nolan, looks like it might be one of the craziest, most intense films of the summer. It also might be the kind of film that transcends summer and is a contender during awards season in the fall. Little has been released about the plot so far, but Nolan's films always hit the mark.

3. Salt, July 23
Starring: Angelina Jolie
Quick Take: As a media personality, Jolie might be a little weird and overexposed. As a performer, she's talented. This spy thriller looks to have some exceptional action sequences and could have an interesting story too.

4. Dinner for Schmucks, July 23
Starring: Steve Carrell and Paul Rudd
Quick Take: Every summer needs one or two guarenteed to make you laugh comedies. This looks to be the closest to that film. Carrell is sometimes hit-or-miss, but Rudd is comedy gold and together, this pairing looks to be a winner.

5. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, August 13
Starring: Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Michael Cera
Quick Take: The plot of this movie seems dumb, so does the name. But then I saw the trailer. It was wild, weird, and looked like a heck of a ride. In a summer full of knowns that portend boredom, this is an unknown that could be a hidden gem.

Also Playing:

Eat, Pray, Love, August 13

The Expendibles, August 13

Takers, August 20

Pirahana 3-D, August 27

Step Up 3-D, August 4

Despicable Me, July 9

Predators, July 9


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