An Imperfect Moment

I love sports. I always have, and I probably get a little too over invested. But there are times where it's hard to justify that love.

I'm not talking about moments on the field. In some ways, we're living in a magically competitive era. I'm talking about the athletes. I've long since abandoned the notion they were perfect or even good role models in most cases, but it's still hard to see the lives of excess and the contempt for social decorum athletes seem to exude these days. But every once in a while someone comes along that restores my faith in those that make a career of their play.

On Wednesday night, Armando Galarraga had a historic night — well almost. It wasn't historic in the record book sense, but I think it was a historic display of class. In the ninth inning, one out away from a perfect game, Galarraga fell victim to human error as umpire Jim Joyce, a veteran with a good reputation, blew a routine call and ended Galarraga's bid for a perfect game.

After the game, Galarraga was asked about the moment. It was clear Joyce blew the call and ruined his chance to make history, but Galarraga didn't take the moment to gloat, complain or castigate the umpires. Instead he said "No one's perfect."

To put this in perspective, this would have been only the 21st Perfect Game in MLB history. It's one of the rarest accomplishments in all of sports. And it was stolen from Galarraga. But instead of leading the chants to crucify the man that made the error, Galarraga displayed a grace and humility that is rarely seen in people today, let alone professional athletes.

The next day, while the nation still buzzed about what should be done and talked about the gaffe that changed history, Galarraga walked the lineup card to home plate and gave Joyce a pat on the back. Joyce had to wipe back tears, and I bet he wasn't alone.

If only we could all demonstrate even a fraction of the grace we've been shown by Jesus Christ, perhaps moments like the one Galarraga made Thursday wouldn't be so rare.


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