Solo Inspiration

Today's message focused on "Flying Solo." But it wasn't just about lifestyle, the focus was on the quiet, solitary moments where God speaks to us. That is something I've found to be true in my own life.

I am not the kind of person that's good with quick, initial reactions, especially to complex topics. I like to think about things, marinate in ideas and come up with opinions. The way I'm best able to work things out is through quiet, personal reflection. Sometimes that comes from quietly reading and studying, sometimes it comes through solo activities.

One of my favorite ways to think and work things out is while swimming laps at the gym. It doesn't require a lot of brain power to go back and forth in the pool — or at least it shouldn't. But when I'm there, with the water washing over me looking at the hillside, the sky or, sometimes, even Highlands Church, it's a great time for reflection. I've had some of my best ideas for stories, blog posts, and lessons while swimming laps.

But I don't think it's the act of swimming laps that boosts my creativity — though I haven't ruled that out. More likely I think it's the fact that I'm open, focused and ready to hear what God is trying to say to me.

I think we all need those quiet moments, where we open ourselves up to God and to the possibilities he has for us. It's in those quiet, reflective moments that God's voice can be heard most clearly. In our busy, noisy lives, we don't take quiet moments enough. That's something I've been working on and something I hope you'll think about too.


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