God's Plan in Our Lives

Today we looked at planning. Graham referenced something the Christian author Donald Miller said about God's plan in our lives. I thought I would expound on that a little bit as we look at the idea of planning.

Miller didn't say God doesn't have a plan for our lives, he said he believed God had a very specific ministry plan for some people and a general plan for others. I kind of agree with that idea. Miller talked about people in the Bible like Mary, Moses, Noah, and Abraham who received a vision of how God would use them to accomplish a specific purpose. Moses didn't have to wonder what God's plan for his life was; God appeared in a burning bush and told him. We don't always get the message that clearly.

That's not to say God doesn't have a plan for our lives. Miller said he feels like the general plan God has for our lives can be summed up by Micah 6:8, which says, "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

Our job is to put our faith in Jesus Christ as our savior and to do the best we can to follow his commands while letting the light of Jesus Christ shine through us. I certainly believe that God opened the doors to put me where I am, and I'm certain he knows what each of us will do with our lives, but it's a question of free will.

A lot of people talk about free will or predestination. I think it's actually a combination of both. God knows what we're going to do, and he opens doors for us, but it is up to us to walk through them. That's what it means to live by faith. God never promises us it will be easy, just that we'll never be alone when we put our faith in him.


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