Worshipping the Lord

I think Highlands Church is pretty special. It is unlike any place I've ever worshipped, I love our band, our services, our presentation of the Gospel, and the community (people) we have there. But I think sometimes we get sucked into our church and forget about the larger body of Christ.

I ran smack into that larger body on Tuesday night as the Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) 2010 kicked off. You can't really appreciate what it looks like to have 5,000 people — mostly high school students — worshipping God together until you see it. I saw it last night, and it was bigger and more enthusiastic than I had imagined.

We've read a lot recently about the death of the church as younger people seem to be moving away from the traditional church model. Well I am here to tell you that what I saw last night has convinced me that the future of the church is still alive and well.

The fact that this many high schoolers and adult leaders — gathering from Presbyterian churches throughout the country — are willing to make the sacrifice of time and money to be here to worship, learn, and grow together is encouraging. I look forward to seeing what God will do through this gathering as the week moves forward.

And, of course, I'm excited to see what part Highlands will play as Graham speaks to these students as the conference wraps up Friday night.


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