Fantasy Games

I have never played Fantasy Football, but in about 42 minutes I won't be able to say that. I have listened to podcasts, considered the potential enjoyment of it, but never waded in.

So this year, when a friend asked me to join a league, I decided to give it a go. I've always loved playing video games, so I figured this could be fun too. Then I logged onto the site and saw how much research and work it is.

People spend hours planning, drafting, and tinkering with their teams. One of my favorite scenes in the movie "Knocked Up" comes when Paul Rudd's character heads out saying he's going to work. His wife is suspicious he's having an affair and trails him to this house. When she bursts in, it turns out he's attending his Fantasy Baseball draft. It is a funny scene and a little too true.

Of course, my problem is still that I pick too much with my heart and not enough with my head. I don't know where this adventure is going, but after tonight's draft I'll have a better idea.


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