Finding Truth

I have had a chance to participate in "The Truth Project," a 12-week video series from Focus on the Family. It has been an interesting exploration of the values of our world, our sphere of government, and how that all compares to the Bible.

Tonight is the final installment of the Truth Project, which is a call to take what we've learned and apply it to our world.

I haven't always agreed with everything that's been said, but I feel like I have grown through considering different issues. I especially appreciated last week's session on labor, and what the series had to say about taking our talents into the world and living out our faith while in the working world.

The mission of Biola University, where I received my undergraduate degree, was to train Christians to enter the workforce. They weren't training us to be Christian accountants, reporters, teachers, or psychologists. The university sought to train us to be accountants, reporters, teachers, or psychologists, trusting that our relationship with Jesus Christ is something we would carry with us in all we do.

I think that's an aspect of the Christian life that many on the religious right have lost. Instead of creating our own Christian culture — Christian books, music, and films — maybe Christians should be plying their talents in the world and bringing their values to every aspect of our lives. That's how we can truly impact the world for Jesus Christ.


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