Live Shows

I have attended several concerts in my lifetime. Probably the best live show I've seen was "Glee Live" last May. What made it stand out wasn't just the showmanship and craft, it was the joy and heart on the faces of the performers. You could tell they loved what they were doing, they were excited to be there, and that made a big difference.

If all you wanted to do was hear the songs, you could buy a CD. You go to a live show for the experience.

That's why tonight's Theater 3 concert was so special. The energy, heart, and joy exhibited by all our dedicated and talented band members is what made tonight a special experience. In fact, I think that's what makes Highlands such a special church.

Tonight's show had everything. It had instrumentals, though-provoking videos, ballads, classic rock songs, modern rock songs, a live art exhibition, and an incredible worship set. You could feel God doing something bigger in that room tonight, just as I've felt him moving throughout my five years at Highlands.

All I can say is my hat's off to Theater 3. And for those that weren't there tonight, you missed something special.


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