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Here's a look at the movies I saw this week. We are in the midst of a busy month. Three new releases opened last week (all reviewed here), with "Harry Potter" and "The Next Three Days" coming this weekend and FOUR new releases Thanksgiving weekend. So, if you want to see something that opened recently ("Due Date," "Megamind," "Morning Glory," or "Unstoppable"), you might want to do it soon.

Whatever you do, don't see "Skyline." More on that in this post...

Starring the voice talents of: Brad Pitt, Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, and Jonah Hill
Synopsis: Another animated film, another 3D film, and another cartoon celebrating the antihero. Must be 2010! There are some amusing moments in this film, and the filmmakers do a nice job putting it together, but "Megamind" is not dynamic. The best animated film released this year was "Toy Story 3," and this movie doesn't come close to that level. But it is better than "Shrek Forever After," and, I feel, it's better than "Despicable Me," so it's somewhere in the middle of the pack. I wish they would stop making these cartoons in 3D, because the effects never work that well and it just feels like a money grab. This film isn't great but it's far from terrible. Kids will enjoy it and adults will be able to tolerate it.
Rating: PG for action and some language.
Verdict: Two stars out of four.

Morning Glory
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, and Patrick Wilson
Synopsis: Every once in a while a movie surprises me. That was the case with "Morning Glory." I didn't expect much from it — a formulaic looking romantic comedy featuring a curmudgeon and a tagline that goes "What's the Story?" "Morning Glory" — but the film is actually pretty good. McAdams carries the movie and shows a real talent in the role. Keaton has fun with her supporting part, as does Ford. Entering a different phase of his career, Ford does a great job with his role, and his interactions with McAdams make the film work and stand out from the usual genre fray. "Morning Glory" isn't great, but it's a cut above for the genre.
Rating: PG-13 for some sexual content including dialogue, language and brief drug references.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.

Starring: Eric Balfour, Donald Faison, Brittany Daniel, and Scottie Thompson
Synopsis: This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. In an earlier blog post I described the warning signs a film will be an epic failure, so I won't rehash that here, but this is an earlier front-runner for worst film of the year. This is a film that starts in the middle of the action, then rewinds so you can care about the characters. Except no caring happens... The special effects are OK, but the performances are weak and the story is lame. All of that is made 1,000 times worse by the ridiculous ending. Avoid this film at all costs.
Rating: PG-13 for sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence, some language, and brief sexual content.
Verdict: It finally happened this year, folks, zero stars out of four. Ladies and gentlemen, the "Catwoman" of 2010!

Starring: Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, and Rosario Dawson
Synopsis: Director Tony Scott and actor Denzel Washington have teamed up for a number of films. They're all action films with affable leading men. This is no exception. Washington has a great screen presence and this character is right in his wheelhouse. Pine does a nice job playing second banana, and Dawson fills her role as well too. Based on a true story, this is the right team to bring this film to life. It doesn't try to do too much and it works well. This is an entertaining film, if not overly complex and deep.
Rating: PG-13 for sequences of action and peril, and some language.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.


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