Biblical Perfection

We looked at the idea of perfectionism yesterday and I have been thinking about it this past week. Yesterday I shared some thoughts about how it relates to examples of sports, today I thought I would share how it pertains to the way I think about the Old Testament.

Graham talked about the idea that only God is perfect yesterday, and I think that is something supported by the Bible. In fact, I think the Old Testament shows us how we fall short of perfection and it is only through Jesus Christ that we can bridge that gap.

The central part of the Old Testament is the law. We get the 10 commandments and the entire book of Leviticus is devoted to giving us the law. In the Old Testament, you saw how people offered sacrifices to God to make atonement for their shortcomings in relation to the law. Jesus came to be THE atonement sacrifice for us all.

You see, the Old Testament offers us a standard of perfection we can't possibly meet. Jesus even ups the ante with the Sermon on the Mount, saying the law transcends conduct and includes thoughts as well as actions. We could never be made perfect and acceptable to God on our own when measured by the standard offered by the law.

That is why Jesus died for us on the cross, to carry the weight of our imperfection. I don't know about you, but that is a humbling thought for me.


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