Christmas slogans

This time of year you can't walk through stores without being barraged by slogans telling you how you should feel about the holiday, or what you should feel during the holiday. I subscribe to "Entertainment Weekly," and four about three issues in a row the Gap had an ad on the back page with a different celebrity wearing its merchandise and one simple word in all caps — WANT. I guess that pretty much sums up what our culture wants to tell us about Christmas.

Another of my favorite slogan locations is Target. I like Target; I shop there frequently, but the holiday headers have been absurd. It started with save merrily. I guess we're all supposed to feel great about buying gifts because we're saving on the prices that were marked up for the holiday season. Somehow, it didn't quite translate.

Then there's the most absurd slogan, "Give Jolly." Give Jolly?!!! How am I supposed to give an emotion — do I put on a Santa suit and chant ho, ho, ho? Someone on Facebook suggested it was a product placement announcement for Jolly Ranchers. I have to admit, that seems like a definitely possibility. But I think the truth is Target was looking for something catchy and they didn't really care about how well it related to English.

Then there's another sign of the season I saw yesterday that actually did strike a chord with me, "give joy." Now that seems a little bit more like Christmas.

I was thinking about that last night as I watched the "Glee" Christmas episode for the second time. The characters were talking about what it was like to be young, full of joy because you believed in the magic of Santa and Christmas. Of course, as adults, we know Santa isn't real, but that doesn't mean this season isn't still magical or that we can't still experience joy.

The real magic of the season came more than 2,000 years ago when a boy was born in Bethlehem to fulfill a promise and offer salvation to us all. That's why we sing "Joy to the World" each Christmas season. And I love the new addition we've had to the song this year — "Joy, unspeakable joy. An overflowing well, no tongue can tell. Joy, unspeakable joy. It rises in my soul, and never lets me go."

Jesus brings the joy to the season, and if you want to spread joy this Christmas, share that message of hope with those who need it.


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