Faith in Film 2, Week 1

Title: “Superman Returns” (2006)

Starring: Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth

Synopsis: Though this film came years after the “Superman” films featuring Christopher Reeve, this is not a re-birth of the franchise. In fact, director Bryan Singer worked hard to make “Superman Returns” a sequel set square in the middle of that world. The idea is that the film is a follow-up to “Superman II” that ignores “Superman III” and “Superman IV” and reboots the franchise. That’s why the storyline picks up somewhat in an established world and has tangible ties to the original “Superman,” crafted by director Richard Donner in 1978. The new film was also made with Donner’s blessing and using archival voice recordings he made of Marlon Brando as Superman’s father, Jor-El. The film picks up approximately five years after the events of “Superman II” with Clark Kent (Routh) returning from an ill-fated trip to Krypton. Back at home, Lois (Bosworth) has moved on with her life, sort of; while Lex Luthor (Spacey) is up to his old tricks.

What the film also does is augment the view of Superman as the savior of humanity. There is a lot of Christ imagery in the film, and it’s hard to imagine that wasn’t somewhat intentional. But, as with so many flawed views of saviors throughout history, it is toned down in a way that celebrates humanity as much as divinity.

Questions to consider:
1. What is your view of a savior?

2. What struck you most in the depiction of Superman in “Superman Returns?”

3. As a society, why are we so attracted to the idea of super heroes?


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