Golden Globe Predictions

The annual Golden Globe Awards — presented by the Hollywood Foreign Press for TV and Movies — will be held tomorrow night (Sunday) at 5 p.m. on NBC. In advance of the awards, I thought I'd offer a few fearless predictions in each category. Hey, I figure I can't do any worse than my NFL picks (1-for-4 last weekend). With the Academy Award nominations due out Tuesday, January 25, every award presentation leading up to it offers a little more definition to the Oscar Picture.

Best Picture Drama — Will win: "The King's Speech;" Should Win: "The Social Network"
I thought "The Social Network" was the best film of the year. It's won a number of critics awards and should still be a front-runner for Best Picture with the Academy Awards. However, you just get the feeling that the Hollywood Foreign Press will lean toward "The King's Speech," which is also an exceptional film. Either entry is worthy.

Best Picture Musical/Comedy — Will and Should Win: "The Kids Are All Right."
I don't think this is a comedy. It's a drama, and a likely Best Picture nominee. Many critics loved this film, I didn't, and not just because of the story/content. It was OK, but I just wasn't drawn in. That being said, this is the best of the five nominees in this weak field.

Best Actor, Drama — Will Win: Colin Firth; Should Win: James Franco
This is like choosing between gold bars, but I personally thought Franco's work in "127 Hours" was incredible and incredibly difficult. However, it just feels like "The King's Speech" is building up a lot of momentum now.

Best Actress, Drama — Will and Should win: Natalie Portman
This feels like Portman's year. She gave an incredible performance in "Black Swan" and should be pretty close to a lock in this category.

Best Actor, Musical/Comedy — Will Win: Johnny Depp
Depp is nominated twice, but I think he'll win for "Alice in Wonderland." Again, this is a category with some strange nominations. Depp was nominated for "The Tourist" as well, but he should win for "Alice." I would argue that the role was a supporting character, but it's probably the best of the nominees here.

Best Actress, Musical/Comedy — Will Win: Annette Bening
Bening gave a strong performance in a movie that will likely dominate this category. You could make arguments for a couple performers on this list, but it does seem like Bening's a pretty strong lock. That sets up a nice battle between Bening and Portman for the Academy Awards.

Best Supporting Actor — Will and Should Win: Christian Bale
Bale gave a great performance in "The Fighter." He does an incredible job. I wouldn't mind if Geoffrey Rush was honored for his work in "The King's Speech," I think this is Bale's award.

Best Supporting Actress — Will Win: Helena Bonham Carter
This is a toss up category. You could make a case for any of the five nominees. Personally, I kind of lean toward Mila Kunis, who I think had a hard job, but given how this category will likely split voters, the popularity of "The King's Speech" will probably benefit Bonham Carter.

Best Director — Will and Should Win: David Fincher
Fincher will likely sweep the award here for his work on "The Social Network," which was the best of the films nominated. The Globes tend to spread awards around, which is another reason Fincher will pick up the trophy.

Best Screenplay — Will and Should Win: Aaron Sorkin
Sorkin's work on "The Social Network" was incredible. No one writes dialogue like him and the pacing of this film was incredible. Many of the other nominees were solid, but Sorkin is just a cut above.

Best Animated Film — Will and Should Win: "Toy Story 3."
"Toy Story 3" is just the best of the animated films, by far. This is an easy category to call.

Best TV Series, Drama — Will Win: "Boardwalk Empire;" Should Win: "Dexter"
I have never been a huge "Mad Men" fan, though that show could take this award. "Boardwalk Empire" was good and is the strongest HBO entry, so it will probably have the edge, but I think the past two seasons of "Dexter" have been incredible.

Best TV Series, Comedy — Will Win: "Modern Family"
I don't watch "Modern Family," so I can't speak to its quality. This category seems pretty wide open. It's been a down year for "Glee" and "30 Rock" is getting older. I wouldn't be surprised to see any of these shows win.

Best Mini-Series — Will Win: "Temple Grandin;" Should Win: "The Pacific"
I thought "The Pacific" was expertly made, but it hasn't draw as much buzz during award season. It was an incredible production but will probably lose out to the award darling "Temple Grandin."


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