Season winds down

I struck me yesterday, as I stood in line behind five groups that had carts full of Christmas ornaments that were 75% off, that the holiday season is over. It's always a sad realization because it means the fall is over, football is wrapping up, and we're settling in for winter.

I remember the feeling, that I'm sure many kids have right now, on Sunday night with school, work, or life looming, that it was back to reality. That's usually the point where you wonder, where did the time go? Sadly, it doesn't seem that feeling goes away as we get older.

It was a fun, packed two weeks, but now it's back to reality. I think that's what New Year's resolutions are all about. It's about resetting our focus to tackle the grind once again for another year. I've never been great at resolutions, because usually I put my focus on things that aren't really practical. Well, I want to change that this year.

So, I resolve to do my best at whatever God puts before me in 2011. Here's to hoping you can all do the same.


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