Cut Off From the World

Fridays are my day off. I don't have Internet at home, and often I am focused on heading to the movies, so I'm not thinking about much else. Today was a great reminder of how that can be a problem.

This morning I did some household chores, watched a Blu-ray and headed out. I hit the movies, the gym, then came in to do some work. I had a great blog planned themed around the major release this week — "Battle Los Angeles." But first I decided to check some websites. That's when I noticed a story about a couple West Coast TV shows having to clear their sets because of Tsunami.

I decided to check CNN and was amazed to read about the massive earthquake in Japan and the Tsunami that hit there and the West Coast of California. While I was going about my morning wandering around in a lazy fog, nearby coastal towns were being evacuated.

When I related this to a co-worker, she said the world could have been on the verge of ending and I wouldn't have known about it. I said that's true — as long as it happened on a Friday morning....

With all our technological gadgets, it seems we're always plugged in. We are more connected to the world than ever. But even so, it's nice to know that it's possible to get lost, if even for a few hours. That is as long as you don't live on the beach...


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