Faith in Film, Week 12

Here's a look at tomorrow night's worksheet!

Title: “Children of Men” (2006).

Starring: Clive Owen, Michael Caine, Julianne Moore, and Chiwetel Ejiofor

Synopsis: This film is set in England in 2027 with a fascinating premise. This is the second film we’ve looked at that’s set in a sort of post-apocalyptic world that paints a very dystopian picture of the future. It’s also directed by Alfonso Cuaron, a Mexican director, who weaves in some interesting ideas about the immigration issue into the story. It was nominated for three Academy Awards the year it was released, winning none. Many critics, myself included, felt it was the best or one of the best films the year it was released. The film, due to its interesting story, also became a fascination within the Christian community.

The basic story is that women can no longer have babies. As the film opens, the youngest person in the world is 18-years-old. Without the promise of future generations, many feel the world is ending and there is a lack of hope. Plunged into that picture is Theo Faron (Owen), an apathetic government worker who is haunted by what he’s lost. Soon his ex Julian (Julianne Moore) seeks him out to help with something miraculous. The heart of the film is seeing someone who believes in no one and nothing find faith within himself that he didn’t know existed.

Questions to Consider:
1. Where do you find your hope?

2. What inspires you to get involved in the world?

3. How do we model the love of Jesus Christ to others?


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