Global Mission Field

This week we've been looking at the idea of impacting the world for Jesus Christ. Of course, this idea is fundamental to our faith. It was the final instructions Jesus offered the disciples, and by extension all his followers, before his ascension. The question has always been how?

I heard one person say this week, "Think Global; Act Local." I think that's a good approach. Often, we become overwhelmed by the need in the world and it can stop us from doing anything.

There is a line in the 2009 movie “Watchmen” that I think speaks to this. A group of “superheroes” is meeting to figure out how they can fix the world. One of them thinks it’s a waste of time. The leader of the group says to him, “It doesn't take a genius to see that the world has problems.” He quickly responds, “No, but it takes a room full of morons to think they're small enough for you to handle.” I think that speaks to the average response to what we see and hear. We are bombarded by the problems of this world and it can be overwhelming. We can’t fix all the massive problems within our own country, let alone the world, but we know the One who can.

Over the past couple weeks of my class I have been looking at different ways we can impact the world. "The Blind Side" showed ways we can improve the situation of those in need in our own sphere. In my opinion, the church as a whole has not done a good job of reaching the lost and needy in our own country. It should be striking to all Christians that missionaries are being raised up from third world countries to come reach the lost in our own nation.

Two weeks ago we looked at the film "About Schmidt," which depicts a man who sponsors a child in need half a world away. This is a prime example of how you can impact a world beyond your own sphere without getting on a plane. Last year my parents sponsored a pair of children following the Easter service. My mom keeps their pictures at her desk at work because she wants them to be "more than just a check." My parents pray for them and think about them as part of the sponsorship experience.

Then, of course, there are those that actually take the message of the Lord, and the compassion we should all show to the "least of these" around the world.

There are a lot of ways to get involved. It isn't important that you do everything or help everyone in need, but we can and should all do something. That's something we can all reflect on this Lent season.


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