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This week there were only two new releases, both of which were horrendous. So far, 2011 has been pretty poor. Here's a look at the new releases...

Drive Angry
Starring: Nicholas Cage, Amber Heard, Billy Burke, and William Fichtner
Synopsis: I have written about my disappointment in the career de-evolution of Nicholas Cage before, so I won't rehash that here. I will say he's starred in two films released in 2011, and both have been unmitigated disasters. This is a vile, crass, over-the-top indulgence in excess. Co-writer/director Patrick Lussier clearly has a taste for crossing the lines of good taste in the areas of sex and violence. This film — shot in 3D — is wall-to-wall sex and violence, at times both mixed together. The most flagrant offender is a scene where cage is engaging in a sexual act while drinking and killing people. The story is poor, the execution is poor, and the film has no line left to cross. This film should easily be NC-17 for sex, violence, or both. Throw in a blasphemous story that focuses on devil worship, and this is a complete miss.
Rating: R for strong brutal violence throughout, grisly images, some graphic sexual content, nudity and pervasive language.
Verdict: Zero stars out of four.

Hall Pass
Starring: Jason Sudeikis, Owen Wilson, Christina Applegate, and Jenna Fischer
Synopsis: At one point in time the Farrelly brothers were considered clever. With "Dumb and Dumber" and "There's Something About Mary" the brothers delivered some iconic 1990s comedies. But they've long since lost their fastball. This film is unmitigated raunch that tries to offer some kind of point at the end. It doesn't work. The fact the story is repugnant in terms of its view of the institution of marriage doesn't help. The religious right has long been concerned about the damage same-sex unions will have on the institution of marriage, but I would contend marriage faces bigger challenges from the abuses that already exist. This film is a prime example. There are a couple semi-amusing moments, but this film isn't very good and isn't in good or even average taste.
Rating: R for crude and sexual humor throughout, language, some graphic nudity and drug use.
Verdict: Zero stars out of four.


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