Rough Week for Christianity

There are times when it is tough to be a Christian; times when I see public representations of my faith that make me cringe; and times when I see the forces opposite to my faith gaining a foothold in our broken world.

This week was one of those weeks. Today, as I was reading yet another article that made me sad for those lost in this world, it kind of hit me how everything was adding up. I think this happens a lot. It is meant to make us doubt; it is meant to serve as a blow; and it is meant to darken our spirits. But that's what the Evil One wants.

Last Friday, as I do nearly every Friday, I hit the theater. The movie I watched was kind of a silly comedy that offered entertainment. But embedded in that comedy was a message about the falseness of believing in God. Of course that atheistic message was layered under a lot of other cultural observations, and it was played for laughs, but still, it was there.

As I started my week, I saw a couple interviews with Christians trying to represent my faith to the world but doing it in a flawed way. First was Pastor Rob Bell, whose new book and new position on Heaven and Hell, seems to ignore large parts of the Bible. In his interview with Martin Bashir that and other hypocritical statements marred the public image of Christianity.

The next day, I saw another such interview. This time it was from Victoria Jackson — once a cast member on "Saturday Night Live" — who now spends her time as a Christian blogger. She complained about the homosexual themes on "Glee." However, in representing Christianity and the truth of the Bible, she spewed an incoherent, indefensible, hate-infused rant that did little except for make Christians seem like angry, uneducated people that serve a malicious and spiteful God. Certainly a proud moment for us all.

Later in the week I saw an article on CNN that talked about the increasing number of Muslims who were running for and gaining election to public office. That was followed up today with a piece that offered a personal story of a college student in rural Tennessee who was raised a Christian until he discovered the truth of Islam.

It is a fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in America. Equally as troubling is the fact that in many Westernized countries, including the United States, young people are increasingly becoming a-religious and atheistic. According to data, in several major western countries atheism is the most common belief system. Ignoring the irony of that statement, that should be profoundly sad for those of us that cling to the cause of Jesus Christ.

Upon leaving this Earth, Jesus offered his disciples — and by extension all of us who follow him — a simple command. Matthew 28:18-20 "Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Now, more than ever, we need to cling to that goal. And if this week is any indicator, we need to start by looking in our own back yard.


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