A Seasonal Classic

Usually around this time of year, we think about the movie "The Passion of the Christ," Mel Gibson's vivid depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But that's not the only classic that airs this time of year.

Hard as it may be to believe today, there was a time when Bible epics were a part of the Hollywood system. In 1956, perhaps the most famous Biblical epic, "The Ten Commandments," was released.

Every year around this time the film makes its annual viewing on TV. (This year it is tonight, from 7 to 11:44 p.m. on ABC). While it might seem odd to some to see the story of Moses, and Charleton Heston's legendary performance, around Easter, it should make sense.

You see, the story of Moses freeing the Isrealites from Egypt is the story of the first Passover. And Passover — a massive celebration in Jewish culture — is an integral part of the Easter narrative. Consider Maundy Thursday, the celebration of Jesus' last supper with the Disciples. It was the Passover feast they were celebrating.

So, if you want to catch some of the spirit of the season, or just enjoy a classic, check out "The Ten Commandments."


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