Action Films

With Faith and Film on hiatus, I thought I'd return to offering some of my personal favorite films in particular categories. We are on the cusp of the summer movie season (usually regarded as the first weekend in May through August). On Friday and Saturday, I'll post a few of the movies this summer that I'm excited about and some that I think might be disasters in the making.

But to get in that summer movie spirit, I thought I'd add my list of my favorite action movies. As with previous lists, films only appear on one category list, so I picked the ones I thought fit best in each category.

5. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
Starring: Robert Downey, Jr., Val Kilmer, and Michelle Monaghan
Why I Like It: This is an interesting blend of action and comedy that pops off the screen. This was one of the first bright spots on Robert Downey, Jr's comeback trail. Of course he's been everywhere the past few years — headlining the "Iron Man" and "Sherlock Holmes" series — but this little gem didn't get as much attention. It's a secretly great performance from Val Kilmer, who's been hit-or-miss the past few years, and one of the first big roles for Monaghan. This was also a big comeback vehicle for Shane Black. Black penned the first two "Lethal Weapon" scripts and "The Last Boy Scout," then he kind of fell off the radar. He came back after almost a decade with "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang." The film has an interesting story, good characters, some cool twists, and a handful of hilarious moments. It may not be your typical action film, but it's a lot of fun.
Rating: R for language, violence and sexuality/nudity.

4. Armageddon (1998)
Starring: Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, and Billy Bob Thornton
Why I Like It: I'll confess, I actually like Michael Bay movies. There are times when I want to watch something deep and thought-provoking. Then there are times when I just want some action, laughs, and to be entertained. When I'm feeling like the latter, Bay is one of my go-to filmmakers. You know what you're going to get with his movies, and if that's the kind of movie you want to watch he doesn't let you down. I own all of Bay's film, but Armageddon is probably my favorite. I like the formula, the story is engrossing (J.J. Abrams worked on the screenplay), and it's got a great cast. It's a hybrid of the disaster film-action film model. Since I like both genres, this works well.
Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi disaster action, sensuality and brief language.

3. The Mummy (1999)
Starring: Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, and John Hannah
Why I Like It: This film is a hybrid of the new school (effects-driven action films) and the old school (a classic monster movie retold). The film has a fun, breezy style. It's makes a good use of it's cast and has an interesting story and approach. The "Mummy" was a fun ride. The sequel was OK. The second sequel left something to be desired. But the film is re-watchable, Fraser is good in the lead role, and the special effects hold up remarkably well.
Rating: PG-13 for pervasive adventure violence and some partial nudity.

2. Way of the Gun (2000)
Starring: Benicio Del Toro, Ryan Phillippe, James Cann, and Juliette Lewis
Why I Like It: Many people regard "The Usual Suspects" as a classic film. While I love that film, I think the follow-up from screenwriter Christopher McQuarrie was just as compelling, though in a different way. "Way of the Gun" is a film with an excellent cast, some incredible action sequences, humor, and a plot that is too complex to really begin to describe. I like the action sequences, the humor, and the performances. Though I can't say I completely understand the plot or what McQuarrie is trying to say about the world, I do find that the quotes from the film stick with me. It's a unique, fun ride.
Rating: R for strong violence/gore, language and some sexuality.

1. Die Hard (1988)
Starring: Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, Reginald Vel-Johnson, and Alan Rickman
Why I Like It: I was in college the first time I saw this film. I've probably seen it 20-30 times since. It is actually one of my favorite Christmas films. There has never been an everyman action hero like John McClane, and Willis embodies him beautifully in this film. The sequels are entertaining to various degrees, but nothing stands out quite like the original. It's a highly quotable film, has plenty of humor (which, as you can probably tell, is something I like in action films) and plenty of memorable sequences. When you want an action film, "Die Hard" is the quintessential choice!
Rating: R for violence and language.


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