Alpha Course, Is There More to Life Than This?

The first week of the Alpha Course is more of an introduction to why the course is important, and what it does. That, of course, starts with the foundation for Christianity.

Nicky Gumbel, the featured speaker for the Alpha Course, bases the lesson around one key verse — John 14:6. John 14:6 says, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." Those, of course, are the words of Jesus Christ, and they're as true today as they were when he first said them.

One of the things that's fascinating about Nicky Gumbel is that he didn't start out as a Christian, and he didn't begin his career as a minister. Rather, he spent time as a successful lawyer. I identify with that side of him, because his approach to the material is a little different. It's more of an analytical examination, interspersed with some humorous observations.

One of the aspects of the introduction that sticks out to me is when Nicky talks about the three reactions people have to hearing the Gospel message. He notes they ignore it (or sneer at it), aren't ready to accept but want more information, or they believe it right away.

I thought about that in terms of my own reaction, and I think I had a slightly different take. I believed it, but I think it's become more real to me as I've grown in the word. Nicky talks about the difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge. I think that the Gospel begins as an intellectual acceptance, but the more it becomes a real part of your life the more that knowledge grows. At least that was the case for me.

I think those that participate tonight will be engaged by the journey that is the Alpha Course. It really hooked me when I first saw it, and I hope it will do the same for you. Tonight is a great introduction to the rest of the journey.


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