Analyzing the Creed

We've been going over the Apostles' Creed the past three weeks. Though the information and ideas featured in the Creed aren't new to me, I realized that this exploration has helped me to think about them again, sometimes in a new way.

Today was an example of that. I think one of the lines we tend to blow past is "He descended into Hell." I know it's not something I ever really dwelled on. Intellectually it makes sense, but it's hard to grasp when you really think about it. Jesus Christ, the only perfect man to ever live, son of the living God, descended to the worst place imaginable.

In fact, if you really consider the whole middle part of the creed, it's almost too fantastic to be believed. You start with the virgin birth. I remember when I was watching "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace," and Anakin's mother said he was conceived by the force. Basically Anakin was the product of a virgin birth. I laughed. It was too ridiculous to be believed. Recently, I started think that's probably how non-believers feel. But, of course, while "Star Wars" is a clever work of fiction, Jesus is real.

Second, it's hard to really wrap our minds around the suffering and death Jesus suffered. It's even harder to wrap you mind around the idea that the God of the Universe did this willingly. For us! Can you imagine that?

Finally, Jesus descended into Hell, the worst place imaginable, and conquered that place on our behalf. It's a story that's almost too amazing to be believed, but that's just how much God loves us.

We serve a God that understands all of our suffering, and then some, in the most personal way possible. He overcame it all, and he's provided a way for us to do the same. As we approach the Easter observance, that's an idea we should all find comforting. I know I do.


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