Faith in Film 2, Wrap Up

I want to thank all of you who participated in this round of Faith in Film. Like the last time, I appreciated all your insight and comments. I thank you so much for allowing me to share my passion and thoughts with all of you, and I hope that it was an interesting and engaging experience.

I plan to offer the class again in the future and, as with this time, I hope to incorporate specific suggestions and suggestions for genres of films as much as possible. I passed out the survey for the course the last three weeks of our meetings and have received a few back. I would be happy to take responses via this blog site as well.

To that end, I've included the survey questions below. Please feel free to respond directly and, again, thanks to all those who attended and participated. The class would be nothing without your active participation and I am humbled to be able to share my passion for faith and film with you each week.


Survey questions:
Do you feel Faith in Film has been a growth experience? Why or Why not?

What has been your favorite part of the class?

What part did you like least, or think could be improved?

If this class was offered again, what time of day and day of the week would be best?

What movies/Topics would you like to see covered?


  1. Question 1)
    I do believe that it is a growth experience because I never thought about how film had to do anything with my faith.

    I liked just about everything about the class.My favorite part was the interaction of everyone, and the difference of opinions.

    I do not have an opinion about anything I did not like, or what needs to be improved on.

    For personal reasons I liked when the class was on Monday instead of Wednesday. Same time of day.

    Topics/Movies: "There Will Be Blood", "Saved", "Watchmen","The Rapture","Luther"

  2. Thanks Bill. I have long considered "Watchmen" for this program, and I think the other films offer some great opportunities for discussion as well.


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