The Alpha Course

For many that have attended services the last few weeks "The Alpha Course" probably seems like an unknown concept. In some ways, it's hard to put into words.

My first experience with the Alpha Course came in January, when we got our copy of the DVDs and I set about watching them in preparation for running the program here at Highlands Church. I didn't know what to expect, other than I'd been told it was amazing and informative. What I found was something so much more.

Nicky Gumbel was an atheist up into his college years. It was then that he was confronted with a roommate who became a Christian, so he decided to read the Bible to come up with an argument against Christianity. What he got, instead, was faith in Jesus Christ. He went on to become a lawyer and, after that, a minister. Through the Alpha Course, he helps people understand what it means to be a Christian.

But it isn't just an evangelical tool. I've been a Christian for a while now, but I was moved by each of the sessions as they help you to think about your faith, the Bible, and how we're to live in this world in a new way.

The Alpha Course is an opportunity for us to come together, look at principles of faith, and discuss those ideas together. It's a chance for those that want to become Christians to gain a firm foundation, and for those who've already made the decision to follow Jesus to grow in their faith.

The video sessions are 20-25 minutes each, focusing on a different topic each night. That will be accompanied by small group and large group discussion. I know that Alpha will be a rewarding experience for everyone who attends, and I encourage you all to come out and give it a try.

The Alpha Course at Highlands kicks off next Wednesday, April 27 at 6 p.m. Below is a schedule for the full 15 weeks of the course.

Alpha Course Schedule

Is There More to This Life — April 27
Who is Jesus — May 4
Why Did Jesus Die — May 11
How Can We Have Faith? — May 18
Why and How Do I Pray? — May 25
Why and How Should I Read the Bible? — June 1
How Does God Guide Us — June 8
Who Is the Holy Spirit — June 15
What Does the Holy Spirit Do? — June 22
How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit — June 29
How Can I Resist Evil? — July 6
Why and How Should I Tell Others? — July 13
Does God Heal Today? — July 20
What About the Church — July 27
How Can I Make the Most of the Rest of My Life? — August 3


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