The Secular Bible

Sometimes people have a hard time with the supernatural aspect of the Bible. Many see it as full of good values, wise teachings, and moral lessons, even if they don't accept that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, came down to Earth and performed miracles, died, and rose again.

One of the things that drove me crazy about "The Truth Project" was the assertion that this country was formed by ardent Christians. It wasn't. Some were, sure, but others were deists at best. My favorite example is Thomas Jefferson, who arguably believed in a God and read a bible, but not the same one you and I do. Jefferson removed any references to the supernatural, or miracles, from his bible. He, essentially, created a book of wise, moral teachings to guide his life.

Well Thomas Jefferson would probably be pleased with the work of British academic AC Grayling, who recently published "The Good Book: A Humanist Bible." Grayling, an atheist, felt that people had a craving for inspirational words and moral teachings that weren't bound to religious dogma. So he scanned the whole of history and put together his book, written in an older English style and printed to look like the King James Bible.

In other words, Grayling and his ilk are hoping to have their cake and eat it too.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore at the ways in which our world just doesn't get it, but I am. When I stumbled on the story on CNN regarding Grayling's new collection I felt a sense of profound sadness. He, and others like him, are searching for answers, but they stubbornly refuse to accept the truth contained in our Scriptures.

The Bible is useful as a moral guide, for providing comfort, and for producing inspiration, but it also contains the fundamental truth that lead us to the greatest gift of all, eternal life. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

Perhaps the saddest thing about the "Humanist Bible" is that it's a collection of thoughts and essays about life with no purpose. All the wisdom in the world yields no benefit if one loses their soul. A Bible that doesn't point you to the truth of salvation is hollow and empty.


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