Alpha Course, How Can We Have Faith?

The first two full lessons of the Alpha Course basically lay the foundation for what Christianity is, what it means to be a Christian, and the importance of Jesus Christ. The theme for this week's message could actually be summed up with two words — now what?

That's kind of what Nicky tackles in this week's message, talking about what it means to have faith. He starts with what a Christian is and what a Christian isn't, often seeking to attack the inaccurate representations the world sometimes offers.

It all comes down to the concept of faith. Someone once said faith equals taking God's promises and daring to believe them. The second and third weeks of Alpha laid the foundation — the messages showed the giant steps God takes toward us in an effort to build a relationship. But God doesn't come all the way on his own, the last step has to be taken by each of us. That's where faith comes in.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Hebrews 11:1, which says, "Now faith is being sure of what is hoped for; certain of what is not seen." Faith isn't about spreadsheets, geological digs, and concrete, tangible evidence. It's a choice. It's about stepping out in trust, which is what is required of all successful interpersonal relationships. Our relationship with God is no different, and make no mistake it is a relationship.

The promise God gives us is that he is always there willing and ready if we take that final step. Nicky cites the promise offered in Revelation 3:20. The verse says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." We just have to be ready to open that door.

And that step out in faith offers us rewards beyond anything we can possibly imagine. It marks a change in our lives, the most important change we can possibly imagine. We just have to have the courage to take that step.


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