Recapping Upfronts Week

So each of the networks have unveiled their schedules for the fall. Below I have some thoughts on a few different categories based on what I saw.

Bubble Shows That I'm Glad Were Renewed:
Fringe, FOX
This is my favorite show, and I've made no secret of that. This is one of the most original shows on television, and it had an epic finale (on May 6) that is a potential game-changer. This show has incredible acting and, even though it doesn't draw great ratings, it has a passionate fan base.

Chuck, NBC
The show was renewed for a shortened fifth and final season. "Chuck" has never been deep or drawn great ratings, but it's a fun show and it's cool that fans will get some closure with a final season.

New Shows That Could Have Potential:
Prime Suspect, NBC
The original British series featured Helen Mirren. This American re-make, set in New York City, features Maria Bello. The template has potential, but the trailer leaves me a little undecided. Still, if it works, this could be a cool new detective show.

Person of Interest, CBS
This show comes from one of the writers of "The Dark Knight" and producer J.J. Abrams. That is, honestly, enough to sell me. But the trailer looked pretty awesome too. The concept is a little hard to explain, but this looks to be a cut above the typical detective caper.

Terra Nova, FOX
This show, from Steven Spielberg, is a time travel tale that looks to be part "Jurassic Park" and part "Land of the Lost." It's definitely the most expensive, high concept pilot of the fall. It also looks like it could be fun.

New Shows That Look Like Bombs in the Making:
The Playboy Club, NBC/ Pan Am, ABC
Why are they making shows that are set in the 1960s? Because of the popularity of "Mad Men." Now these networks have picked up odd shows set in a different era that they hope will attract audiences. I'm not convinced.

Charlie's Angels, ABC
Did we need another "Charlie's Angels?" No, we didn't. But we got one anyway. And judging by the trailer released for the show, it doesn't look all that dynamic either.

Grimm, NBC
A detective show based on a modern re-telling of "Grimm's Fairytales," sounds like a joke right? Nope, it's a part of NBC's fall schedule. Something tells me this isn't the ticket to climbing out of fourth place.

Show In Danger of a Sophomore Slump:
Hawaii 5-0, CBS
This show was interesting at first and had some good episodes, but the back half of the season felt uneven and the writers totally blew up the core cast in the finale. That can paint you into a corner. It remains to be seen if they can get back on track in September.

Show In Need of a Comeback:
Glee, FOX
This show still has potential, but the second season was a HUGE falloff from the first. It has been uneven, and the characters seem a little directionless. It would be nice to see the show bounce back closer to its season one roots.

Shows Looking Long in the Tooth:
CSI franchise, CBS
Many experts thought at least one of the "CSI" shows would get the axe. None of them did. But with flagging ratings and some time shifts, it's hard to imagine they'll be able to keep all three alive for more than another year.

House, FOX
There have been rumors this will be the final season. While "House" is still enjoyable, the formula is getting a little old. If, indeed, this is the final season, let's hope "House" goes out with a little dignity.

Law & Order: SVU
This is the only "Law & Order" show left. Seeing it go would be the end of an era (even though I don't watch regularly). Still, when you're considering replacing a lead (who is ready to move on) with Jennifer Love Hewitt, your show doesn't have much left in the tank.


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