Valley of the Bones

Today we looked at Ezekiel 37:1-14, an interesting story about Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones. This passage offers plenty of food for thought in a number of different ways, but here are two things that I couldn't help but think about.

First, it's a fascinating parallel to the End Times. Sure, Ezekiel is in the Old Testament, and Revelation — which is typically what we think about as the authority on the End Times — falls in the New Testament. But Ezekiel 37:1-14 is one of those passages that shows the continuity of Scripture, and I think it's a vision that is helpful when we think about the more hopeful aspects of the End Times.

In the vision, Ezekiel sees the people of God, long dead but not forgotten, rise and come to life again, infused and invigorated by the breath of God. This is the hope we all have, not just for ourselves, but for all those cherished saints that have gone before us. Revelation foretells of the Second Coming, and those that are dead being raised by God. This is an Old Testament passage that, for me, does much the same thing. And it's a fascinating visual that is created. Much like Revelation, a lot of what Ezekiel saw from God came in the form of a vision for the future that he could prophesy to those in the present.

Second, Ezekiel is a prime example of maintaining hope and faith despite the most dire of circumstances. Ezekiel lived during a time when Isreal had been conquered. The temple had been torn down, and many of his countrymen had been slaughtered. He, along with many others, were taken into a state of semi-captivity in a foreign land. Yet the suffering continued. And not just in a broad sense. Ezekiel suffered in a very personal way too, with the death of his wife adding to his woe.

Yet he remained steadfast. God called him to be an example to people of faith during a difficult time, and Ezekiel rose to that challenge. And God offered him the promise of a brighter future in the form of visions, like the one of the dry bones. It's amazing to think of the faith he demonstrated during incredible circumstances. That is the God we serve, an amazing creator who is with us, strengthening us during even the most dire of times. And even in the midst of that suffering, he offers us hope of a brighter future.


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