Politically Incorrect "Enthusiasm"

One of my favorite things in high school was tuning in to "Seinfeld" on Thursday nights. It was funny, crazy, and a great way to (sort of) wrap up the week. Nothing on network television has really captured that feel.

But HBO has something that comes close. "Curb Your Enthusiasm," which is in its eighth season and currently airing on Sunday nights at 10 p.m. on HBO, comes from the mind of Larry David, who co-created "Seinfeld." In fact, the show premise of season seven was Larry and Jerry (Seinfeld) working on creating a reunion for the "Seinfeld" show.

"Curb" follows a lot of the "Seinfeld" model. It's a group of people going through seemingly random events and creating humorous situations. The part that makes it unique is the talent of Larry David (who plays a version of himself), and the fact that it is on premium cable and doesn't hold back.

David would seem to be an odd choice to be the lead in a TV show, but he makes it work on "Curb." Additionally, Jeff Garlin always makes me laugh in his role as Larry's agent and friend, and Bob Einstein makes me laugh as Marty Funkhouser.

If you're not easily offended and looking for a little offbeat humor, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" has that in spades.


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