Happy Halloween

In honor of Halloween, here's a couple movie suggestions for different age groups/audiences.

For the Whole Family (Kids included):
"It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" (1966)
About: Does anyone do family holiday specials better than the Peanuts? No, no they don't. This isn't the best Charlie Brown special, but it is a classic. Most people think of this as a TV special, but it is widely available on home video. I own it, and I think you should too!

A Ghost Story:
"Lady in White" (1988)
About: I first saw this as a child and it freaked me out. I saw it in college and, guess what, it still freaked me out a little. It's an obscure late 1980s title with Lukas Haas and Len Cariou, but it's a good one. It's a fascinating story and it's more chilling than you might imagine.

Indie Film Fans:
"Evil Dead" (1981), "Evil Dead II" (1987), "Army of Darkness" (1992)
About: Sam Raimi's trilogy starring Bruce Campbell, king of "B" movies. These movies aren't super scary — though "Evil Dead II" was the toughest for me to sit through — but they have a cool mix of humor, indie sensibility, and horror. It's hard to go wrong with these on Halloween. Time to catch up on these classics before "Evil Dead" is remade...

Classic Slasher:
"Halloween" (1978)
About: The John Carpenter original remains a staple of the genre and of this particular holiday. You gain an even greater appreciation for this film if you had the misfortune of seeing Rob Zombie's terrible re-make. "Halloween" on Halloween seems like a no-brainer...

Modern Slasher:
"Scream" (1996)
About: Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven teamed to change the horror genre and breathe new life into it. This film had a mix of chills, humor, and an intangible style. It spawned three sequels (including one released last April), but the original remains, by far, the best of these films. It is one of my favorite horror films and, I think, one of the best films of the latter part of the 20th Century.

So there you go. Get a sugar high on and get ready for the thrills and chills.


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