Black Friday

It's ironic that a day of friends, fellowship, food, faith, and football — all the important Fs — is followed by a day that makes you hate the holidays. Thank you Black Friday...

A few years ago, I was excited to enter the early shopping fray. It wasn't as much fun as I imagined. Over the next few years, I went off and on, but it was always a battle that made me question my own sanity.

Things haven't changed much. This year, because 2 a.m. wasn't good enough, stores began their sales at midnight... on Thanksgiving... to fight with strangers for toys and household goods for Christmas. And even that couldn't stop the outrageous behavior. A quick survey of the morning news features tales of brawls, beatings, shootings, and pepper spray incidents... all customer on customer violence at Black Friday sales (most of them taking place at Wal-Mart...).

Black Friday is supposed to mark the beginning of the Christmas season. It's supposed to be a time of giving and joy. But this one day has become emblematic of everything that's wrong with our over saturated, over-comercialized culture.

We have one month until Christmas, a joyous celebration of the birth of our savior. While all the trappings of our Christmas holiday can be fun (hey, I even have my tree done and up already), it's important to remember the reason for the season!

... And when you go out shopping, please leave the pepper spray, knives, and guns at home.


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