Fearless Oscar Predictions

That title is misleading. I am very fearful... of being awesome. For years I have won my family picks pool. I hope for more of the same this year. My mom is hoping to best me. We'll see how it goes, but below are my picks for who will win, and who should win this year's races.

Best Documentary, Short Subject:
This is a toss up, because no one sees documentary short subject films because we don't live in LA or New York. However, there are some interesting films in the category (based on their descriptions).
Will Win: Saving Face

Best Documentary, Feature:
"Undefeated" is a feel-good story, so too is the documentary dedicated to Pina Bausch. However, "Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory" is an important film about an important issue concerning all Americans and our justice system.
Will Win: Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory

Best Short, Animated:
Again, no idea. I haven't seen these, so it's a guess. I will go with my interesting name theory.
Will Win: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Lessmore.

Best Short, Live Action:
Ah, another category flying by the seat of my pants.
Will Win: The Shore, directed by Terry George ("Hotel Rwanda").

Best Achievement in Visual Effects:
This is kind of a tough category. There were plenty of visually stunning films, but my money is on the way the new "Planet of the Apes" brought its heroes to life.
Will Win and Should Win: "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"

Best Achievement in Sound Editing:
Who can tell what makes for good sound editing. I'm going with the leading nominated film here.
Will Win: Hugo

Best Achievement in Sound Mixing:
The sound awards usually go together, so in for a dollar, in for the whole shabang.
Will Win: Hugo

Best Song Written for the Screen:
Only two nominees here. I loved "The Muppets." I loved the song in "The Muppets." I would vote for it even if there were five nominees.
Will Win and Should Win: Man or Muppet, "The Muppets."

Best Original Score:
A sort of tough category here. "The Artist" should win because the score was really key to it's success. There has been some backlash because it "borrowed" from "Vertigo," still I like what it's doing.
Will Win: The Artist

Best Achievement in Makeup:
Weird category here. "Harry Potter" had perhaps the best makeup, but it's not "classy" enough to win this award. Glen Close is already manish, so there wasn't a lot of makeup needed for "Albert Nobbs." That leaves "The Iron Lady."
Will Win: The Iron Lady

Best Achievement in Costume Design:
Ah, costumes. One man's trash is another man's wardrobe. Hard to say for sure which is greatest here, but it was pretty nifty what they did with "The Artist."
Will Win: The Artist

Best Achievement in Art Direction:
This has to do with the look of the film. I wasn't wild about everything Martin Scorsese did with "Hugo," but he really captured a delightful look and created a rich, vibrant world.
Will Win and Should Win: Hugo

Best Achievement in Editing:
This category almost always lines up with the Best Picture winner. So, it's best for you if you line up on your picks as well. (That's what we call foreshadowing).
Will Win: The Artist

Best Achievement in Cinematography:
This is a tough category. I wasn't down with all of "Tree of Life," but man was it pretty.
Will Win and Should Win: Tree of Life

Best Foreign Language Film:
Haven't seen them, but "A Separation" has been all the rage. And, it seems like a really poignant film.
Will Win: A Separation

Best Animated Film of the Year:
A weird, somewhat down category this year. "Puss in Boots" was much more charming, but "Rango" was the more artistic choice.
Will Win: Rango
Should Win: Puss in Boots

Best Adapted Screenplay:
Just a killer category here. All five films nominated — "Ides of March," "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy," "Moneyball," "Hugo," and "The Descendants" did a great job. The best writing might be "Ides of March," but it's another Clooney film that should win.
Will Win: The Descendants
Should Win: Ides of March

Best Original Screenplay:
I could make a case for "Bridesmaids," based on its originality. "The Artist" was fascinating too, but it's a silent film... I didn't love "Midnight in Paris," but it was really original.
Will Win: Midnight in Paris

Best Director:
It is criminal that Alexander Payne has been overlooked, and in another year he could have taken this category. However, this feels like a year that belongs to "The Artist."
Will Win: Michel Hazanavicius

Best Supporting Actress:
I think the best work in the category came from Bernice Bejo, who was utterly charming in "The Artist." Plus, it is HARD to do a silent film in 2011. Melissa McCarthy, Jessica Chastain, and Janet McTeer all did fine work, but they weren't as memorable as Octavia Spencer.
Will Win: Octavia Spencer
Should Win: Bernice Bejo

Best Supporting Actor:
The closest thing to a lock in this year's ceremony. This award belongs to Christopher Plummer.
Will Win: Christopher Plummer

Best Actress:
A phenomenal group this year. This is where I have to separate my heart from my head. My heart tells me Rooney Mara was the best. My head tells me Viola Davis will win.
Will Win: Viola Davis
Should Win: Rooney Mara

Best Actor:
Some great performances here, but I think it comes down to a two horse race. We have George Clooney, who gave the best performance of his career, and Jean Dujardin, who was incredible in an incredible artistic film. It's a shame only one can win.
Will Win: George Clooney

Best Picture:
And we come, at last, to the big enchilada. I went through all nine films previously, and I made a case for most of them. To me, this comes down to a couple films, and personal preference. I loved "The Descendants," and I will probably be attached to it for years to come. "The Artist" is a rare artistic achievement, and I think art wins out at the Academy Awards.
Will Win: The Artist


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