Significant Sacrifice
Significant Sacrifice kicks off on Wednesday, and Highlands will be supporting BloodWater:Mission this year. Below is a copy of the article I put in the February newsletter that talks a little about the group and the season of Lent.
Though Easter happens in April, the season leading up to Easter begins much earlier. The work for preparing your heart for Easter begins much earlier with the season of Lent.
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, which takes place this year on Feb. 22. Ash Wednesday begins the 40-day period of Lent which leads up to Easter and Holy Week. The 40-day period, which excludes Sundays, is a time to pray, sacrifice, and quiet our hearts in preparation for Easter. The period draws upon the Biblical model offered by Jesus, who spent 40 days fasting and praying in the desert prior to beginning His earthly ministry.
The tradition of Lent is one of personal sacrifice. Often, believers will give something up during the period of Lent as a symbolic sacrifice in the days leading up to the remembrance of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It can be something simple or complex, the only thing that matters is that it’s a personal sacrifice made to God.
Again this year Highlands Church will be offering the Significant Sacrifice program during Lent. For those who wish to participate, the period of sacrifice can be used to further the work of the kingdom. This year, Highlands will be partnering with the organization Blood:Water Mission.
The organization was founded by Jena Nardella, who was 22 at the time, and the Christian rock band Jars of Clay. Jars of Clay singer Dan Haseltine still sits on the board of directors. The goal of Blood:Water Mission is simple, to empower African communities to combat the crisis of HIV/Aids and a lack of clean drinking water.
According to its website,, since its inception the group has “raised millions of dollars through the creative efforts of tens of thousands of individuals seeking to make a difference, providing for the completion of the 1000 Wells Project at the end of 2010.” To date, the group has worked with more than 1,000 communities, provided water and health care to more than 600,000 people, and worked in 13 different countries on the African continent. Moving forward, the group continues to expand on its water-providing efforts while expanding its commitment to combating HIV/Aids, which plagues the African continent.
Brining water to those in need is one of the promises God made in the Bible. Isaiah 41:17-18 says, “The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.” Organizations like Blood:Water Mission help make that a reality.
During this season leading up to Easter please consider what you’re able to sacrifice and get involved with helping provide clean water to those in need. The Lent season will officially kick off with the traditional Ash Wednesday service at Highlands Church on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 6:30 p.m.
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