100 Years And Counting

On Saturday and Sunday, ABC aired Julian Fellows mini-series "Titanic." The four-hour production followed crew and passengers on the infamous ship. It followed groups of every social sphere, showing how they ended up on the ship, what their time on the ship was like, and how the fateful night ended.

I found myself drawn to the production. One of my favorite documentaries in recent years is "Ghosts of the Abyss," which follows James Cameron and Bill Paxon as they dove on the wreckage to explore the ship. To this day, a century after its sinking, there remains a certain allure about the ship.

At the close of the mini-series, Fellows offered a final thought. He noted that 2,200 traveled aboard Titanic and about 1,500 never survived the sinking of the ship. And, he noted, 100 years later we still haven't forgotten.

That is true. And hopefully we never will.


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