Hearing the Voice of God

"I want to talk to God but I'm afraid cause we ain't talked in so long." — Kanye West, "Jesus Walks."

Today we begin the series The Voice, a series about hearing the voice of God in our lives. Though it's not always an audible voice, or a burning bush like Moses got, we all receive God's calling into our lives. The problem is, we don't always recognize it.

And worse, sometimes we're afraid of it. I love the earnestness of Kanye West's lyrics in "Jesus Walks" because it's a reflection of our human tendency. We need God's voice in our lives; we want God's voice in our lives; but sometimes we aren't sure we can get it or, worse yet, we're worthy of receiving it.

In the text today, with Samuel, it was a matter of not even knowing it was God's voice. Yet another problem we have to overcome. Sometimes we can be so focused on what we're doing that we forget to stop, sit, and listen. But that's important. God can scream into our busyness, but it works best when we stop to listen to Him.

And it doesn't take much. God can speak through anything. For me, I often find I hear something challenging me through movies. When I engage, sit quietly, and listen, I hear what God is saying to me. It causes me to think about Him, to think about my walk, and to adjust in certain ways.

Some people get that through nature, some through devotions, some through prayer, some through music, and some through activity. It doesn't matter how God speaks best to you, it just matters that you take the time to listen.


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