Upcoming Releases — May

So, April's past and the summer season at the Box Office is about to begin. There are plenty of overstuffed choices for all during May, as well as a few other gems for everyone else. Take a look at what's coming.

Friday, May 4
The Avengers — So the summer gets kicked off with a big, sprawling, superhero adventure. Makes sense. What makes this special is who it's from — Joss Whedon — and what it entails — several major Marvel properties. When Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, and Nick Fury get together, it's a party. This has a big cast and is an ambitious project that's been years in the making. Here's to hoping it lives up to the hype.

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel — This certainly qualifies as counter programming. It's got an older, British cast. It's an independent comedy set in India. In other words, it's about as far from "The Avengers" as you could get. It looks to be pretty funny too, and it has a charming cast.

Friday, May 11
Dark Shadows — Few films have been as polarizing as this one in 2012, and it hasn't even been released yet. It's another collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tim Burton, featuring a wacky character. The debate has been over the tone. The trailers show this to be more of an interesting dark comedy. Those that are fans of the show seem to have been looking for a more sober and serious take on the material. For my part, I loved the trailer and think the film will be a lot of fun.

Girl In Progress — This film opens in limited release May 11, so it may take time to trickle to our area. The trailers have been playing frequently for months, and this indie dramedy looks like so more counter programming during the summer.

Wednesday, May 16
The Dictator — Another romp from Sacha Baron Cohen. You can assume a couple things here — first that the character will be wild and the situations even wilder and two that the film will make you uncomfortable. It might be funny, but it might be a turn off. This film is certainly going to be an acquired taste.

Friday, May 18
Battleship — I like director Peter Berg, but there is nothing about this film that seems compelling. It's based on a board game, looks like a rip-off of "Transformers" and has kind of boring previews. If the previews don't get you pumped for the film, it's hard to imagine the film will pump you up. This could be the summer's first dog.

What To Expect When You're Expecting — Counter programming strikes again! This comedy is aimed at couples and looks to be a more "adult" take on the whole childbearing process. It has a big, sprawling cast and looks like it might have a few laughs too.

Hysteria — This is a period piece that opens in more limited release on May 18. It's a funny concept but it might not appeal to everyone. For more plot details, look the film up. Due to the family nature of this blog, I not going to describe the central plot construction. Suffice to say it's unique.

Friday, May 25
Men In Black III — We don't need another "Men In Black" film. That being said, the trailer looks pretty good. I'm curious to see how Josh Brolin does channeling his inner Tommy Lee Jones, and it's always fun to watch Will Smith in these films. There are worse ways to spend Memorial Day weekend.

Moonrise Kingdom — This is a small indie gem from Wes Anderson. Doubtless, like his other films, it will be more of a subtle, cerebral comedy. It has a good cast and offers plenty of counter programming to the typical summer blockbusters.

Chernobyl Diaries — A low budget horror film. A film about American tourists that learn they're not alone while touring the famous disaster site. As a side note, hard to believe that many young people are signing up for a vacation to the site of Chernobyl...


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