Hearing God's Voice

Faith isn't a passive act. It is interactive. I think sometimes we forget that, but if we really want to hear God's voice, we have to seek Him.

One of the things I loved about this morning is the reminder in the video that following and seeking God is a choice. God created man with free will, that's the upshot. The downside is that with free will comes choice, and it is up to us to make the right choice; the hard choice; the choice to follow Him.

We have to seek after God if we really want to hear His voice. And that means we can't just sit back during services and hope that God's wisdom washes over us then go on with our normal daily routine. In fact, I think it's a human tendency to get too caught up in where we seek God.

One of my favorite movies is "Simon Birch." There is a section in the film where Simon is sitting in the corner in the Sunday School room. The minister comes to him and asks what he's doing. He tells the minister he is thinking about God. The minister tells him he can't think about God in the corner. Simon replies, "Faith is not in a floor plan." Out of the mouth of babes...

I think we have a tendency to think we need the perfect holy conditions to think on God. But it's not the place that makes the difference, it's the condition of our heart. That's what makes seeking God's voice an active choice.

So the real question is what will you choose this week?


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