Changing Hearts and Minds (Friday)

I've been reading a book called "The Starfish and The Spider" on this cruise. It's a fascinating book about styles of organizations, leadership, and government. One of the fascinating ideas in the book is about how you combat a group with a radical ideology.

The example offered is our war on terrorism, specifically with Al Queda. The idea being that the typical response from centralized organizations (like our government) is to fight these ideas with force. That can work against some foes, but not against decentralized foes that are backed by an intense ideology.

Instead, the authors pointed to examples of how people have started to use an ideology of care and compassion to win hearts and minds away from the terrorist movement. By showing care and kindness, one can have an ever greater impact and can break down walls. It's so simple and easy, it's amazing we don't do it more often.

But when I read that, I couldn't help but think that's the model that Jesus used. He didn't try to convince people and convert people by force, he did it through His example and compassion for those He came in contact with. And we are told to do likewise.

Historically, the church has failed when it has tried to force the message forward. Think about the way the Catholic Church tried to force a change with Native Americans. It worked, to a degree, but engendered resentment.

Today, the church often tries to do the same thing. We use right theology as a weapon, and Hell as a threat to coerce change. But does it really work? Wouldn't it be better if we let our joy, and the light of Christ shine through us? Wouldn't that be a more powerful example? I think it would be.

It worked for Jesus, why couldn't it work for us too?


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