Independence Day

It's the Fourth of July. For most, it's a day of fun, rest, and relaxation. We get to sleep in, have a lazy morning and enjoy our favorite things.

For me, that included a trip to the theater to see the latest version of "Spider-Man," watching Joey Chestnut put down 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes on Coney Island, and taking in my favorite Independence Day film, "Jaws." Later, it will probably include some fireworks and, if I'm lucky, an ice-cream sandwich.

But in the midst of that, I took some time to appreciate what it means to be independent. And that's to sit and think about the bigger questions. Today, it was what came first — the chicken or the egg. After giving it some thought, I've decided the logical answer is the chicken.

I arrived that that conclusion by thinking about Scriptures. Consider Genesis. When God formed man — specifically Adam — the indiction is that he was created as a fully-formed adult. The baby version of humans came later. That seems to be the indication of all creation. So, logically, that leads me to believe the chicken came first.

One problem solved...

Happy Fourth everyone!


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