Best of TV, No. 1

And now we come to the No. 1 show on my list.

The Wire (2002-2008)
Network: HBO
Synopsis: From the time I decided to do this list, there was only really ever one choice for the top spot — HBO's seminal series "The Wire." Those that know me well, will understand my fascination with this series. I have long felt that the greatest danger to Christianity in America is the fact that we as a group don't seem to realize that society is collapsing all around us — particularly in major urban cities. We are seeing greater disparity in the distribution of wealth, increased fracturing of the nuclear family, and a kind of apathy toward religion that should shake us to our very core. Yet, consistently, the religious right in America seems to be mission focused in other countries, while ignoring the weeds growing in our own backyard. David Simon, who created "The Wire," probably isn't a Christian, nor is he interested in furthering a Gospel message through the series. However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't offer plenty of food for thought for those of us that want to think about how Jesus Christ has called us to make this world a better place. Though, on the surface, "The Wire" is an excellent drama about drug dealers, drug users, and the cops who try to catch them, it is really so much more. The five seasons are like a long metaphor for the decay of urban America. Each season has a different focus — the drug war, the ports, the government, the education system, and the media. And it weaves together brilliantly to talk about the complexity of the problem. There are no quick fixes, and the show doesn't offer any real solutions. That's where faith and thinking comes in. Almost everyone who has watched this show has been blown away by the complexity, and moved by the story lines. Simon and his team do an excellent job of creating the world and delivering on the narrative. Like so many, I didn't see "The Wire" when it originally aired. Instead, about 18 months ago, I devoured all five seasons in a matter of weeks. It is that good. It is also a unique television experience in that, at least for me, it fundamentally changes the way you think about this country, its problems, and what our focus should be when trying to address those problems. Good TV not only entertains, it informs, it pushes, and it challenges you. "The Wire" certainly achieves all those aims. For that reason, and the quality of its production, "The Wire" is the greatest TV series we've ever produced.
Where to Find It: All five seasons of "The Wire" are available on DVD and on HBO GO.


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