Best of TV, No. 5

Today I continue my list of my favorite TV series of all time with the first comedy on this list.

Arrested Development (2003-2006)
Network: FOX
About: This show is a comedy cult classic. It lasted three low-rated but hilarious seasons on FOX, and fans have clamored for its return ever since. Next year they'll get their wish, as the show will have a short fourth season on Netflix and then, likely, a feature-length film. That's the power of fandom. Much like how "Firefly" got a final movie in "Serenity" thanks to fan outcry, seven years after it left the air "Arrested Development" continues to captivate fans. I have only placed two comedies on this list. Comedies have never been my favorite TV genre, and that's because I am more of an off beat humor kind of guy. There are really two types of TV comedies. One is the broad, traditional sitcom. Think "Friends" or "Frasier" here. They are highly rated and appeal to a broad demographic. Then there are other kinds of comedies. These are ones that rely on wit, intelligence, and a heavy dose of sarcasm to do their work. That's what you get in "Arrested Development." My theory, to some extent, is that the show was too smart for the average TV audience. Most people want to sit back and get their jokes telegraphed. That's why shows like this — and I'd include "30 Rock" and "The Office" in this grouping — often don't draw the mass appeal ratings. In fact, the only successful mass appeal comedy in this vein was "Seinfeld," which also had other appeals. Still, the acting on "Arrested Development" was great. Jason Bateman was the heart of the show, and the focus. He is great in the lead role, but it's all the other colorful members of the Bluth family that made the show a wonderful delight. While it might have been too eccentric for some, it was a show I looked forward to eagerly each week. I still get a kick out of the show's ongoing narrative watching its three marvelous seasons on DVD. It's a show that deserved a better following, but one whose spirit has been kept alive lo these many years by the fans. That is a testament to the strength of its writing, characters, production, and story.
Where to Find It: All three seasons are available on DVD.


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